Error 5011 en Kingson S22

Hoy publico este video tutorial sobre el error 5011 en la Kingsong S22, debo decir que esto lo he podido solventar gracias a la avanzada tecnología de Kingsong (BMS inteligente) que te informa de los errores que tiene la rueda así como te avisa antes de que se te estropee, o sea un problema mayor, creo que es un detalle importante a la hora de valorar la compra de un monociclo eléctrico. En resumen es seguridad.

Para saber detalladamente los errores puedes consultar esta tabla. (info extraida de )

King Song Error Codes

KingSong EUCs Error Code
Error CodeDescription
*Note KS-S22 displays only last 2 digits of error code
2235Sensor data is reversed, or line fault, this sensor has now been turned off.
2236Sensor B is not connected or the sensor is damaged, the sensor has been closed for use.
2237Sensor data A is reversed, this sensor is closed.
2238Sensor A is not connected or the sensor is damaged, the sensor has been closed for use.
2239The voltage is too high, please do not ride downhill for an extended time.
2240The voltage is too high, please remove the charger.
2241Low battery, please charge.
2242Gyroscope error, please contact your seller and replacement motherboard.
2243The output current of the main board has exceeded. Please check if the motor is damaged or if the phase line is shorted.
2244Please check if the motor hall line connection and is functioning normally.
2245No serial number or serial number error
2246The motor temperature is too high, please stop and ride after the it has cooled down.
2247The motherboard temperature is too high, please stop and ride after the it has cooled down.
2248The output current is at max, please ride with caution.
202Over Current or locked rotor.
203The motor is blocked, please check whether the motor is rotating smoothly or remove obstacles before riding.
205Drive Cruit is not functioning correctly, please restart or replace drive circuit.
206The motherboard output wire has short circuited, please check whether the battery output wire has short circuited or whether the motherboard MOS is damaged.
207Gyroscope failure, please replace motherboard.
217Motor Hall sensor error, please check the hall ensor and repair accordingly.
221Motor is experiencing high temperature, please allow Motor to cool down before riding again.
222MOS is experiencing high temperature, please allow MOS to cool down before riding again.
228Serial Number Error.
218Overpower, please avoid over-accelerating or climbing steep hills.
219Device is outputting at max.
220Motherboard output over votlage, or motor is blocked. Please ride with caution.
223Charging is over voltage or over current.
229Low voltage, please charge your device!
231Overvoltage, please beware of your safety and avoid riding downhill.
232Lift switch is out of order, please release the handlebar or check whether the lift switch sensor has experienced a short circuit.
230Reserve power is missing, please replace motherboard.
1208mttool,vol err
1209mttool,over time
1210mttool,block err
1211mttool,speed err
208the coef of batvol have no just
227BMS get no data
226BMS Warnning
105be voltage detect need calibration
224The battery reaches the preset charging value

BMS Error Code
Error CodeDescription
5001Hardware short-circuit and software short-circuit
protection instructions and solutions: battery protection circuit short-circuit protection, please stop using the machine immediately, check where there is a short-circuit problem, unplug the charger, stop riding, stand or turn off for 1 minute, etc. After checking, if it can't Back to normal, need to be repaired.
5002Over-charging protection
instructions and solutions: If the charging current of the battery exceeds (reference value: 7A), please stop charging immediately, unplug the charger, wait for about 1 minute, and the machine will automatically release the protection.
5003Over-discharge protection
instructions and solutions: If the battery discharge current exceeds (reference value: 40A), please stop the machine immediately, or you can also plug in the charger to charge, wait for about 10S, and the machine will automatically release the protection.
5004Single-cell overvoltage protection
description and treatment plan: If the voltage of the single-cell battery exceeds (reference value: 4.25V), please stop charging immediately, remove the charger for 10S, or run the machine, and wait for the voltage to drop below (4.15V), then The machine will automatically release the protection.
5005Total voltage over-discharge protection
description and treatment plan: If the total battery voltage is lower than (reference value: 72.0V), please stop using the machine immediately, and charge the machine in time. When the total voltage is higher than the recovery voltage (90V), the machine will automatically release Protect.
5006Ambient low temperature, high ambient temperature
Protection instructions and treatment plan: battery temperature The ambient temperature (reference value: -30℃~70℃) has seriously exceeded the battery protection limit. Please immediately improve the ambient temperature where the battery is located.
5007High temperature discharge protection
instructions and treatment plan: When the battery temperature is higher than (reference value: 60°C) during discharge, please stop using the machine immediately. When the temperature is lower than 50°C, the machine will automatically release the protection.
5008High temperature charging protection
instructions and solutions: If the charging temperature of the battery exceeds (reference value: 45°C), please stop charging immediately. When the temperature is lower than 40°C, the machine will automatically release the protection.
5009MOSFET high temperature
Protection instructions and treatment plan: The charging or discharging circuit temperature (reference value: 95℃) is seriously higher than the battery protection limit, please stop charging or stop using the machine immediately and wait for recovery.
5024Total voltage and overvoltage protection
instructions and solutions: when charging, the total voltage is higher than (reference value: 126.5V), please stop charging immediately, remove the charger for 10S, or run the machine, wait for the voltage to drop below (124.5V) , the machine will automatically release the protection.
5025Single-cell over-discharge protection
instructions and solutions: If the voltage of the single-cell battery is lower than (reference value: 2.50V), charge the machine in time. When the minimum single-cell voltage is higher than the recovery voltage (3V), the machine will automatically release the protection.
5027Discharge low temperature protection
instructions and treatment plan: When the battery temperature is lower than (reference value: -20℃) during discharge, please stop using the machine immediately and improve the ambient temperature where the battery is located. When the temperature is higher than -10℃, the machine will automatically release the protection .
5028Low charging temperature Protection
instructions and treatment plan: If the charging temperature of the battery is lower than (reference value: -5℃), please stop charging and improve the ambient temperature where the battery is located. When the temperature is higher than 0℃, the machine will automatically release the protection.
5010Sampling failure, cell failure
Fault description and solution: There is a failure in the protection board circuit, please stop using the machine immediately, check and repair it.
5011NTC fault
Fault description and solution: The temperature sensor is faulty. If it cannot be recovered, it needs to be repaired.
5012Charging MOS fault
Fault description and solution: If the charging circuit of the protection board is faulty, please stop using the machine and check and repair. The method of automatic recovery of charging MOS fault: plug in the charger, after 2~5 seconds, under normal circumstances, the fault will be automatically eliminated.
5033Working power failure
Fault description and solution: If the working power supply of the protection board is faulty, please stop using the machine immediately and check and repair it.
5013Total voltage and low voltage alarm
description and processing plan: the total voltage (reference value: 90.0V~126.2V) is low (less than 90V), please charge it in time, and when the single voltage is higher than 3V and the total voltage is higher than 90V, the alarm will be displayed. automatically eliminated.
5014Total voltage and overvoltage alarm
description and solution: the total voltage (reference value: 90.0V~126.2V) is too high (greater than 126.2V), please stop charging in time, and use it normally. After the total voltage is lower than 126.2V, the alarm will be issued will be automatically removed.
5034MOS high temperature Alarm
description and solution: Please confirm whether the MOS temperature is higher than (reference value: 90°C) in time. First, stop the machine from working, stop charging, and wait for a period of time. When the MOS temperature is lower than 90°C, the alarm will be automatically cleared.
5035Ambient low temperature and high ambient temperature
Alarm description and solution: The ambient temperature of the battery (reference value: -20°C~65°C) exceeds the limit, please confirm the ambient temperature of the machine in time, and select the charging at the appropriate temperature or riding environment.
5036Discharge low temperature, discharge high temperature
Alarm description and solution: The battery temperature (reference value: -10℃~57℃) exceeds the limit, please stop using the machine in time, or reduce the power consumption of the machine.
5037Charging low temperature, charging high temperature
Alarm description and solution: The battery temperature (reference value: 3℃~45℃) exceeds the limit, please stop charging in time, or check whether the charging current (reference value: 8A) is too large.
5038Discharge overcurrent Alarm
description and solution: Please confirm in time that the discharge current of the left and right batteries exceeds -35A (the negative sign indicates discharge). As long as the current is less than 35A, the alarm can be automatically eliminated.
5039Charging overcurrent alarm
description and solution: Please confirm whether the charging current (reference value: 6A) is too large (greater than 6A) in time, as long as the charging current is less than 6A, or stop charging, the alarm can be automatically eliminated.
5015Cell low voltage Alarm
description and solution: The single battery voltage (reference value: 3.000V~4.22V) is low (less than 3V), please charge it in time, wait until the single cell voltage is higher than 3V and the total voltage is higher than 90V , the alarm will be automatically cleared.
5016Low battery alarm Alarm
description and solution: The battery is low (reference value: 10%), please charge it in time, and the alarm will be automatically cleared when the battery power is higher than 10%.
5017Cell high voltage Alarm
description and solution: The single battery voltage (reference value: 3.000V~4.22V) is too high (greater than 4.22V), please stop charging in time, and use it normally, and wait until the single battery voltage is lower than 4.22V , the alarm will be automatically cleared.
5018Discharge high temperature Alarm
description and solution: When the battery temperature exceeds 90°C when riding or the motor is running, please stop riding or stop using the machine in time. When the temperature is lower than 90°C, the alarm will be automatically cleared.
5019Charging high temperature Alarm
description and solution: When the battery temperature exceeds 40℃ during charging, please stop charging in time, or strengthen the heat dissipation of the machine. When the temperature is lower than 40℃, the alarm will be automatically cleared.

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